
Showing posts from November, 2014

Story 1: Darwin's Army Uploaded.

My first story is up on Amazon and available for purchase for a measly 89 pence or 99cents or 3 fish fingers, a paper-clip and a sprout if you use the barter system. For the folks in Europe:*Version*=1&*entries*=0 For the folks in Asia Pacific:*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Not forgetting the folks in Mexico. Ola!*Version*=1&*entries*=0 I feel very happy to have my story out there on the inter-galactic super highway rather than gathering virtual dust on my hard disk.

It's A Start

I've signed up for this blog thingamabob because I figured I needed a spot to waffle on about my writing without boring my facebook friends to death. So here it is. I've started it. I write short stories or I should say I wrote short stories. I've not actually finished one in a very long time so my plan is to dust off the ones I have written and send them out to the universe by way of Kindle Direct Publishing or Facebook and try to get inspired to write some new ones. I've got somewhere around 20 completed stories that I'm happy with. They range from drama to sci-fi to fantasy to just downright weird. Hopefully I can knock the best of these together into a collection for a book. I love the feeling of finishing a story and I love those moments when you get a spark of an idea and the world seems full of possiblilities.  The first one I'm going to upload is called 'Darwin's Army'.